Educate women

Education plays a vital role in the development and future of a country. Initially the ratio of girl child who had received a proper education was much lower when compared to a boy/man. Now girls or women’s education has been given prime importance when compared to the years before.

When a girl is educated, she is empowered. As Brigham Young said, “You educate a man, you educate a Man. You educate a woman, you educate a whole generation”. An educated woman can make her own decisions, raise the standard of living for her family and children, create more job opportunities and reform society as a whole. Since women in Kerala have on average, been the most literate when compared with women in other states of India (though the same could not be said of female work-participation rates), much has been written about their ‘high status’ and their central role, historically, in social development.

Girls who receive an education are less likely to marry young and more likely to lead healthy, productive lives. They earn higher incomes, participate in the decisions that most affect them and build better futures for themselves and their families. Girl’s education strengthens economies and reduces inequality.

Dr. B.R.Ambedkar said “We shall see better days soon and our progress will be accelerated if male education is persuaded side by side with female education”.

As of 2021, India recorded a higher nationwide share of men with at least 10 years of schooling than that of women. Around half of the male population age between 15 and 49 years stayed in school for at least 10 years, compared to only 41 percent of their female counterparts. It is necessary that we show equal importance in educating our daughters as we do our sons.

Women should be able to get proper education, skills development, financial independence, etc. They can also contribute well towards shaping an improved society for themselves and future generations too. The economic growth of the country will significantly improve after educating women.

Don’t waste time, just start educating girls! Educate a girl child and brightens the future of the country. Good education is the base of a developed nation. Educate a girl child and give her a way to be independent.

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